Tuesday 13 August 2013

Part 5 Nikki and Ray dealing with ulcers


Well Ray is loving the new feed and is really eating well, so fingers crossed.
We have a Heat wave now which I don't think is helping Rays energy levels, but only been on his new feed a short while so got to give it some time, oh ….and lots of flies!!!!!!!


Off to the vets today for re scope………he has put on 9 kg since the last weigh in 4 weeks ago, so although in this picture taken last week, he doesn’t look like there is any weight gain, there is a very slight improvement.

       Well, the report is good…..one lot of ulcers have  completely cleared and the really    bad ones are now graded at a 1. Becky is really pleased and suggests that I carry on with gastro guard for another month and to continue feeding Saracens Relieve and  EquiJewel, as this is def helping. I explained how he is happily gobbling every feed now where as before on his old feed he would leave and waste alot.
 Have seen improvements in his coat and seems happier ! We even did our first Novice test last week and got our first BD points.

Maybe we will go to the Regionals!!!!

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