Friday 2 August 2013

Part 4- Nikki and Ray dealing with Ulcers


       Poor Ray has just been diagnosed with grade 4 ulcers, They will need treating initially  with Gastro guard from the vet and need to look into a long term management programme, it is very important we find the best feed to help prevent ulcers once they have (hopefully) cleared.

Becky (our vet) has advised that we carry on as normal with the exercise and to have him re scoped in 4 weeks time, At least this explains the weight issues.

July 2013

What a mine field it is researching for the right feed for a horse with ulcers is !

 I have just noticed that Stacey from Hartpury Saddlery, is a stockist for Saracen feeds (which is one of the ones the vets recommended). Anyway, went to see Stacey and she was extremely impressed with her tour of the Saracens mill and the strict quality control they have at their factory,  and has arranged that I speak with Nikki McGee (The Local Saracens rep) & there team of experts.

  Met today with Nikki at Hartpury Saddlery and she was very helpful and extremely knowledgeable She has recommended  2 Saracen feeds, the Relieve cereal free (important for ulcer sufferers) and low starch

 along with Saracen EquiJewel (for conditioned weight gain and energy), 

we will get him started on it ASAP and keep you posted fingers crossed for regionals.

Monday 29 July 2013

Part 3 Nikki and ray-dealing with ulcers

May 2013

Mud fever gone, but now have another wet related      problem…..liver fluke! Just been diagnosed by the vet through blood tests and dung samples.

At least that could be an explanation for the weight loss!!

All treated now and grass starting to come through, so hope to see an improvement very soon.

We are doing well in the dressage……almost there with the regional qualification—need 3 more prelim points before the end of June (watch this space)

June 2013 

       What a fab brilliant horse, we have just got 5 prelim points, so that’s it….we did it! Hope to go to the regional s in August, but I would just like to see an improvement in Rays overall condition.

       Ray is not quite himself……..has been out on spring grass and getting plenty to eat, but still not putting on any weight (this picture is 2 weeks into a fresh new field of grass and all the other horses have blossomed) Vet is coming tomorrow, we are going to have full blood tests done,     Nothing untoward showing with bloods, so Becky Wall from Three Counties Vets has suggested further investigation.