Monday 23 December 2013


Hartpury Saddlery Newsletter 2013/2014

Hi, Welcome to our end of 2013/beginning of 2014 edition of the Hartpury Saddlery newsletter
We want to start of with a massive thank you to all our wonderful customers ( you know who you are) that have supported us over 2013, we love you guys and are going to be working really hard in 2014 to bring you even better and more exciting new products at great value and excellent service. As a sneak peek we have included a few of our planned new lines for the new year below!!!

NEW PLANS for 2014

A shop makeover is on the cards, so do keep an eye out for this, we have some nice plans to enhance your shopping experience and don’t forget we have a coffee machine and seating area in shop for your to sit and enjoy some time out (and browse our extended collections available to order)

 Topic talk evenings-

 Every last Wednesday of the month we hold a topic talk evenings, these are FREE to attend and include refreshments, we have talks planned from local vets, physios, natural horsemanship, sports therapists and more so do join up if you fancy attending any of interest, and we will send you information, e-mail and quote.  " Topic talk "

Blog & top tips

If you are a techno person, you might be interested in our regularly blog updates on important issues such as breathing problems, weight issues, lameness, nutrition, training, local services,  and more, plus they include out top tips on the best products out there for the job, essential reading for anyone into horse care, management or competition, Found here, on face book, twitter and on our website

Thank you again and here’s to a great 2014 for everyone

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Easy Breathing

Breathing problems in the horse can be a worrying problem for horse owners with sometimes obvious symptoms and a not so obvious diagnosis.

However there are some things to look out for and some easy preventative measures you can take to ensure your horse or pony stays well this time of year and avoids breathing issues.

To Provide a bit more detail into this subject we have enlisted the help of Global Herbs supplements, a range of quality herbal supplements researched and produced by vets, who have put together a fact sheet of information and what you need to be aware of.

Check it out here:
Hartpury Saddlery recommends: Airways plus-easy breathing to offer respiratory support

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Golega Portugal- The capital of the horse

Some of may have been aware that we closed the shop over a few days this

month, well we would like to let you know what we got up to, with the help of

Jo hansford phtography (her pictures are stunning) and her blog,

(who we met out in golega, portugal) we would like to share some of the

amazing things to see in the place known as the "capital of the horse",

 please check it out.

Thank you Jo.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Hartpury Saddlery Top Tips- Rug Cleaning

Rug Cleaning- The Facts !
              By Hartpury Saddlery 
                  01452 700800

Have you ever stopped to think?

                               IS MY RUG CLEANING COMPANY USING 
                            THE SAFEST METHODS FOR MY HORSES SKIN?

You may think cleaning is cleaning; however there are factors to consider
 when thinking about the longev- ity and hygiene of your rugs,
 and exactly what you are paying for ? 

Have you ever thought about what happens to your expensive rugs
 when you drop them off for cleaning and more importantly RE-PROOFING? 

 As a horse owner myself, I have spent a lot of money on rugs over the years
 and want to ensure they are looked after and treated professionally 
when I send them off for cleaning. 

So with this in mind Hartpury Saddlery has undertaken research 
to bring you not only the best rug cleaning service around but the facts
 behind the dirty job too.

Detergent-free washing- cleaning your horse rugs detergent free ensures
 a thoroughly clean rug with no risk of an itchy reaction for your horse &
therefore avoids skin conditions, plus it is totally environmentally friendly.

Disease prevention is important to all horse owners, and  it is essential that
 your rug cleaning service has methods in place to prevent any spread. 
Good storage practices, separate areas for clean and dirty rugs and no old bags should ever be taken from customers for transportation
 and defiantly not returned in them.

Reproofing is an important part of ensuring the long life of your rugs 
and keeping your horse dry and comfortable.
 It is essential that the right product is used to do this. 
we only use Nikwax aftercare treatments.

"The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation claim that Nikwax 
are the only manufacturers of aftercare products that contain no 
fluorochemicals, Fluorochemicals are able to enter human tissue,
 which can have harmful effects on fertility and hormones. 

They are also known to spread environmental pollutants into water
 and the air So when we use Nikwax we know it is safe to 
You, Your Horse & your rugs.

Hartpury Saddlery recommend for the longevity of your rugs 
to have them re-proofed at least once a season, or twice for very heavy use. 

Tuesday 19 November 2013




Hypocare is a revolution in infection control. It is a topical application that mirrors the body’s own immune system. Working naturally with the body, it rapidly kills bacterial, viral and fungal infections. In the equine world Hypocare is used to clean and flush wounds and injuries as well as stubborn fungal infections, such as Ringworm, Mud Fever and Thrush.
The active ingredient in Hypocare is Hypochlorous acid, which is produced naturally by the body’s own immune system. When a wound or infection occurs in the body, neutrophils, a type of white blood cell are deployed to the site of infection. The neutrophils then engulf the invading pathogen and produce Hypochlorous acid which kills the bacteria.


Hypochlorous acid is amazing.
Hypochlorous acid is between 80-300 times more effective at killing pathogens than hypochlorite or bleach. Although its disinfecting powers are unrivalled, it is kind to healthy tissue and has a skin neutral pH, ensuring that it will not slow down the healing process.



NO. Hypocare will not sting when applied as it has been formulated to emulate a skin pH, which means it works in harmony with the body.


Hypocare can be used on any Mammal. In the domestic pet world, it is frequently used because of its ability to help maintain healthy and itch-free skin. It is also safe if ingested, so you won’t need to worry about your pet licking the affected area.


No. Because Hypochlorous is a chemical that the body produces naturally, it is completely harmless to sensitive areas such as around eyes, cuts and open wounds.


No. Unlike antibiotics where overuse has resulted in resistance, pathogens cannot become resistant to Hypochlorous.


YES. Hypocare contains none of the banned substances disapproved by the FEI.


It has long been acknowledged that Hypochlorous is highly effective at killing a wide range of microorganisms and that it is safe for users and has no environmental implications - unlike traditional chemical sanitizers or disinfectants. Until now however, it has not been possible to produce high strength Hypochlorous with a shelf life of more than a few hours.


Hypocare is a ground breaking technology developed by a British company that has succeeded in making high strength, stable Hypochlorous acid that will change horsemanship and animal care forever.


Hypocare® is a biocidal product designed for cleaning and flushing for hygiene purposes and is not a veterinary treatment. Hypocare does not claim to have any medical effect on the conditions listed.

Monday 18 November 2013

                Hartpury Saddlery Topic talks Evening

Natural horsemanship talk by Samantha Bolam
& Sports massage demos by Dynamic human and equine sports massage
4th Dec at 7pm
A fun and informative evening learn more about communicating with your horse and improving your partnership, plus the benefits of sports massage for you and your horse.

Limited spaces book now !
01452 700 800

Monday 21 October 2013

Hartpury Saddlery Top Tips-Scoop Measures

Scoop measures

It is important to know how much feed is appropriate 
for your horse.
Most feed manufactures will pace feeding guides on the feed 
bags as a guide, however it is important to not only know 
what your individual horse requires but to be accurate
so as to avoid fluctuations to keep & his optimum healthy
weight- (More on this in our next top tips)

The best way to know how much you are feeding your horse
 is to buy a spring balance from a hardware shop, or your feed 
merchant, and weigh your feeds properly, however to help you out
Saracen horse feeds have provided a helpful guide below which gives you a guide 
to the weight of most feeds when using a traditional round hand-scoop, filled level.

N.B two different peoples scoop sizes (level or heaped) could produce a variation
 in weight as much as 50%.

Saracen feeds and more are now available on our NEW CLICK & COLLECT service

Saracen Sports Horse Mix
Saracen Cooling Mix
Saracen Veteran Mix
Saracen Fibre Mix
Saracen Speed Mix
Saracen Show Improver Mix
Saracen Stud Mix
Saracen Pencils
Saracen Re-Leve
Saracen Enduro 100
Saracen Barley Hoops
Saracen Bruised Oats
Saracen Crushed Oats
Micronised Flaked Barley
Micronised Flaked Maize
Micronised Flaked Peas
Dengie Alfa A
Dengie Hi-Fi
Molassed Chaff
Sugar Beet Pellets - wet
2kg = 295gm DM
Sugar Beet Pellets - dry

Friday 18 October 2013

Hartpury Saddlery top tips-The ultimate joint care

Joint Care from global herbs

Looking after your horses joints can be a tricky

 field to navigate, take a look at some of the 

benefits we think global herbs can offer, plus 

includes lots of practical joint care advice.

Available now from & Instore

Friday 11 October 2013

Hartpury Saddlery Top tips- What is and why use a Gut balencer ?

What is a probiotic?
Probiotics are defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as "live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host".
How do probiotics work?
Probiotics have been shown to work by the following mechanisms:
• Competition for nutrients
Within the gut, beneficial as well as pathogenic microorganisms will be utilising the same types of nutrients. This results in a general competition between microorganisms for these nutrients. When a probiotic is administered there is an overall reduction in nutrients available for pathogenic bacteria and consequently this minimises the levels of pathogenic microorganisms.
• Competition for adhesion sites
Probiotics can attach to the gut wall and form colonies at various sites throughout the gut. This prevents pathogenic bacteria from gaining a foothold, resulting in their expulsion from the body.
• Improvement in digestion
Probiotics have been shown to increase the efficiency of digestion.
• Lactic acid production
Probiotics produce lactic acid which acts to reduce the gut pH, inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria, which prefer a more alkaline environment.
• Effect on immunity
Probiotics have been shown to increase the levels of cell-signalling chemicals and the effectiveness of infection-fighting cells (white blood cells).
What makes a good probiotic?
Safety - the microorganism chosen must be non-pathogenic and non-toxic. Within the EU all probiotics must be registered for use in an individual animal species. For example, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (NCYC Sc47) 4b1702 is registered for use in horses.
Viability - the microorganisms within a probiotic product should remain viable during their storage. The probiotics should also be able to pass safely through the stomach so that they can colonise the gut. A good freeze-drying process will enable the product to be stored at room temperature throughout the duration of its shelf life. Microencapsulation will afford protection throughout the low acidity of the stomach.
Sufficient numbers - the concentration of a probiotic must be such that inclusion rates provide a beneficial effect.
Quality assurance - when manufacturing probiotic products, high quality standards and processes are imperative. This ensures that the product meets label specifications and is also effective and safe to use.
Are there any side effects associated with the use of probiotics? Can you give too much?
There are no side effects associated with the use of probiotics. All EU-registered probiotics have to pass stringent safety trials before being approved for use in each species. It is not possible to give too great a quantity of probiotics as any excess will simply pass out in the faeces.
Can probiotics be used at the same time as antibiotics?
Yes, evidence shows that taking a probiotic at the same time as an antibiotic can reduce the incidence of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. For the best results, give the probiotic at the opposite end of the day to the antibiotic. Where this is not possible, give the probiotic at least three hours after the antibiotic. The probiotic will not affect the efficacy of the antibiotic.
How do Probiotics help horses that have been wormed?
Anthelmintic products (wormers) are used regularly to keep a horse worm-free. Wormers can disrupt the microflora causing a temporary dysbiosis. A short course of probiotics before, during and after the worming regime can restore this imbalance.
What is a prebiotic?
A prebiotic is a non-digestible carbohydrate (complex sugar) which acts as a food source for beneficial bacteria in the microflora and therefore stimulates their growth. Preplex® prebiotic is exclusive to Protexin and consists of fructooligosaccharide (FOS) and gum acacia (a source of arabinogalactan). This dual source prebiotic is of benefit across a larger area of the gut compared to a single source prebiotic.
Do Protexin products require any special storage methods?
We would recommend that Protexin products are stored in dry, clean conditions, out of direct sunlight and kept sealed once the original container has been opened in order to exclude moisture and thermal decomposition. The shelf life of Protexin products, if stored at room temperature, is 24 months.
Do the probiotics survive the very acidic conditions of the stomach?
All Protexin probiotics are microencapsulated which affords their protection through the low acidity of the stomach and enables them to reach the small intestine where they can find sites to grow.
What is microencapsulation?
Microencapsulation is the process whereby the probiotics are enclosed by a protective coating, during the manufacturing process. This allows the yeast to remain dormant until they are ingested.
What is the microflora?
The microflora consists of various bacteria, protozoa and yeasts. These are distributed throughout the length of the gut and coexist in a symbiotic (mutual) relationship in the healthy animal.
What is dysbiosis?
Dysbiosis is the condition of having a microbial imbalance on or within the body.
What can cause dysbiosis?
The main causes of dysbiosis include:
• Antibiotic treatment
• Intestinal pathogens
• Worming
• Poor nutrition
• Stress (e.g. travel and shows)
• Life-stage (e.g. weaning and old age)
The most common symptoms associated with dysbiosis are diarrhoea, colic and altered appetite.

Monday 2 September 2013

Nikki and ray- Dealing with Ulcers

Well, we made it  to the Regionals at Mount Ballan and had a fab time, we got a creditable score of 63%, It was   quite nerve racking up against some very smart horses, but I have to say that we didn’t look out of place.

I am convinced that this is down to the Equijewel and Releve and Ray  has started to gain weight and condition.

  Rays energy levels have also improved and consequently I have been able to work him accordingly. He is starting to get a bit of a top line…..even in a short space of time and I am hoping that by the time of the Pet Plan Regionals in October comes round, he will look even better. (We haven't qualified yet….that's  the next goal!!) 

        He is eating really well and never leaves a crumb. Hope to get him weighed and re scoped mid Sept.

I compared his photos before and after this week and am amazed at the difference in Ray in such a short space of time.

I would recommend anyone with similar issues or just looking for improved condition for there horse give Saracen feeds a go.

Thank you to Nikki from Saracen Feeds and Stacey From Hartpury Saddlery for all your help.

May 2013

   Aug 2013

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Part 5 Nikki and Ray dealing with ulcers


Well Ray is loving the new feed and is really eating well, so fingers crossed.
We have a Heat wave now which I don't think is helping Rays energy levels, but only been on his new feed a short while so got to give it some time, oh ….and lots of flies!!!!!!!


Off to the vets today for re scope………he has put on 9 kg since the last weigh in 4 weeks ago, so although in this picture taken last week, he doesn’t look like there is any weight gain, there is a very slight improvement.

       Well, the report is good… lot of ulcers have  completely cleared and the really    bad ones are now graded at a 1. Becky is really pleased and suggests that I carry on with gastro guard for another month and to continue feeding Saracens Relieve and  EquiJewel, as this is def helping. I explained how he is happily gobbling every feed now where as before on his old feed he would leave and waste alot.
 Have seen improvements in his coat and seems happier ! We even did our first Novice test last week and got our first BD points.

Maybe we will go to the Regionals!!!!